Smart Income University

Affordable University 
for Everyone
We bring the top training to scale your business online in 90 days or less, using our expert impact Model, at very affordable price.

Scale Your Business Training

Scale Your Business Online Beyond Your Local Market and Your Current Audience

Smart Offers
Turn your competing products and services into Smart offers, and create your High Ticket Offer that sells at 3k+
Create your Team
You can’t handle everything on your own. Developing a management team that is flexible and can grow with the company is an important component.
Create Systems
Ensuring your internal processes, systems, and operations are functioning seamlessly. Learn how to automate and delegate to a system.
market Expansion
Learn how to reach customers everywhere. Learn how to expand your business beyond your local market and export your knowledge and expertise.
Learn about the latest apps, software, and programs that will help you reduce your boring tasks and eliminate your routine, so you can focus on the high-impact tasks.
biz development
Learn the strategies to grow your business online. Also, learn how to dominate your market and eliminate competition.

Turn Your Business and Household into an Asset

Create Cash Flow and Passive Income on Autopilot using our Digital Income Producing Assets Method - DIPA.

Create dipa
Lots of people they may don’t have the money to invest in real estate. Instead, a low risk digital asset that produces passive income are the DIPAs, such as knowledge products, online programs, systems you have learned or created, or processes you have perfected throughout the years…

DIPAs are highly needed by individuals to learn better skills, or by companies to get what they want at the lowest risk and at faster speed.
Create Multiple Streams of Income using DIPA. They allow you to have a new revenue stream in your business or create a standalone one on autopilot.
mind production
The future belongs to the ones who are able to produce from their minds not from their muscles. The muscle work will be replaced by robots. Start producing knowledge product that sells aka DIPA.
In every second of your life you are either coaching others or being coached. You are either selling your ideas or consuming others'. In your business, the key to help your clients get the results they want is by coaching them using DIPA.
You get to learn the money game. You get to learn how to produce money, how to keep it, and how to scale it or multiply it. The key to financial freedom lays into re-investing your cash flow into other streams of income.

Marketing and Sales Training

Sell at High Profit

Publishing plan
Learn how to create and publish on social media profitably. Learn how to create your publishing plan and execute it on different platforms such as YouTube, podcasts, Tik-Tok and others.
Content marketing
Learn how to create and distribute valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and acquire a clearly defined audience – with the objective of driving profitable customer action.
reputation mkt
Reputation marketing is an emerging discipline for marketers looking to build brand equity, successfully market to new leads, and drive customer acquisition.
Learn the new organic approach to selling that allows salespeople to laser-target their prospecting and establish rapport through existing connections.
sales funnels
A sales funnel is a marketing strategy designed to turn cold prospects into long-term paid customers.
sales basics
Learn the step by step strategies and processes to a attain your targets to become a professional
Know-hows of making the most important sales.

Human Experience Training

Turn Your Business into a Human Experience Practice that Creates Transformational Moments for Your Clients.

Human Experience
Marketers today use emotions to sell, neglecting the fact that the experience should be new and renovated. Smart income approach is to use current emotions customers hold to create new experiences that change and transform their lives. They become "Human Becoming", not only human beings.
Mind Control
"Install the new software of infinite possibilities as your biological upgrade, and evolve beyond the human experience". Now you are becoming your future before it happens. Learn the secrets of the conscious and subconscious mind and how to overcome mental blockages.
Sell on Emotions
Before automation and AI, companies focused on creating brand ambassadors. The fact is it's not anymore about your brand, but about the feelings, the thoughts, and the perception of people who are dealing with you, with your brand and with your product.
"The brand landscape is constantly changing and to survive, brands must adapt. Darwin was on to something when he observed: “In the long history of humankind (and animal kind, too) those who learned to collaborate and improvise most effectively have prevailed.”
I Create Life
You are the writer and the executer of your own life. Learn how to re-write your story and your life's journey. We are created more powerful than we think. It is time to take your life back. It is time re-write your life and not allowing anyone else to write it for you.

Deep Happiness
Life should not be hard or stressful. It must be fun and joyful. Our life has been conditioned to consume and not to create. Our life has been controlled by corporations to live a life of victims. Being average and accepting average is a poison and against our human nature. Raise the bar of your life and unleash your God's Potential.

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